About Jan Still
In my Acupuncture Practice I am able to bring over 40 years of knowledge and wisdom gained from working with a huge variety of people. I aim to provide the best possible health care, and I try and help everyone reach their full potential.
When I came across Traditional Acupuncture 30 years ago I had very rewarding career in Social Work, I was so impressed with the results that I saw from Acupuncture, the remarkable changes it brought about in people treated, I knew I had to change career and train to become an Acupuncturist.
I particularly like the Far Eastern perspective on medicine and health - they believe health is about the whole of the person - the physical, emotional and mental aspects of each individual.
The Far Eastern approach to medicine will treat your broken leg to heal more quickly and have less pain, but it also treats why you were so unco-ordinated and imbalanced that you fell over and broke your leg. Acupuncture incorporated skills I already had in Counselling and European Psychology, I am now able to include remarkable Chinese Psychology into my practice.
I qualified as an Traditional Acupuncturist in 1997, having completed a 3 year full time training course, this gave me a Licentiate in Acupuncture (Lic.Ac.) this became an Acupuncture Degree course. I studied at the College of Traditional Acupuncture Leamington Spa & Hatton.
Later I went on to teach on the Acupuncture Degree course for 6 years.
Once qualified as an Acupuncturist, I set up the Natural Health Clinic in Warwick Market Place. I built up a popular business and treated patients there for 10 years, before moving to my current premises in 2008 - 23 Wharf Street, Warwick.
I do treat all conditions
Throughout my working life I have continued studying health, and have some particular interests - Infertility, Pregnancy, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Thyroid Disease, Coeliac Disease, Mental Health, Skin Disorders Eczema and Psoriasis, and I love treating Children.
I will always continue studying and expanding my knowledge. I have been on regular training courses ever since qualifying. Traditional Acupuncture is a vast 2000 year old subject, a lifetimes study, and fascinating form of medicine and health care.
Before my Acupuncture career, I was a fully qualified Social Worker (CQSW) and Approved Mental Health Social Worker (ASW).I specialized in Child Abuse, Children in the Care, and their families, and Mental Health including sectioning - ( the compulsory admission of patients to hospital). I was a Practice Teacher of Social Work ( supervised students ), a level 4 SW and Assistant Team Manager to a team of 25 people.
I have a lot of experience of working with terminally ill patients and their families, for 3 years I was an Officer in Charge of a 50 bed home for the elderly and younger physically disabled.
My career has involved working closely with many different disciplines and professionals GP's, Consultants, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Police and the Courts. I have considerable experience of writing Court reports.
I have been involved with many community groups over the years and have been on the management committee of several groups ranging from community music to a women's refuge.
In my early career I worked as a Physiotherapist's Aid in a General Hospital, and held several Nursing Assistants posts in different hospitals. My very long and varied experience has given me a broad knowledge base in medicine, health care and the many issues involved in our well being. This allows me to draw on considerable knowledge and skills when treating patients and helping people regain their health.
I hope the information in these pages helps you find the ideal Traditional Acupuncturist for you. I would urge you to look at my page on Acupuncture training in the UK, which was produced to help you make that choice. Please ring me for a chat if you need any help.