Acupuncture Ethos
Traditional Acupuncture has been used and developed for 2000 years; it's ethos is to treat the whole health of the patient not just the current symptoms.
Each individually tailored treatment balances physical, mental and emotional health.
It is my belief that Traditional Acupuncture and Far Eastern Medicine Theory fills a significant gap in in current NHS healthcare.
Acupuncture is a drug free treatment with no side effects - ideal for all Pregnant Women and also for Children. I have treated patients of all ages from 3 months to 92 years.
The first time you attend you will be here for 2hours - in the first hour I take a full health history, talk about your life, family, work and stresses that may affect you - I will look at your diet and exercise regime. The 2nd hour is taken up with treatment. This to me is 'whole person healthcare'. If any issues come up in your health history or my examination I will advise you to seek the appropriate tests or services.
Western medicine and the NHS is a marvelous service with dedicated caring professionals at it's heart, but as we know it has been at breaking point for some time.
Currently if we see our GP we have 10 minutes or less, outline our condition get prescribed some pills, or get referred to a Consultant which Post Covid could take months or years. The health service is also finally realising that over prescription of drugs such as antibiotics and painkillers are causing long term problems and have severe side effects.
Traditional Far Eastern Acupuncture gives you time to talk, time to be listened to, and time to discuss all of your ailments.